Asked by: Husam Mittelhausser
education standardized testing

How can I get revaluation for PUC 2019?

Steps to Apply Karnataka PUC II Revaluation 2019
  1. Open the web site
  2. Select the hyper link for scan copy click here for scannedcopy, retotalling and revaluattion.
  3. After opening the above link select the “Student”Menu for the portal.
  4. Select “Application form for scanned copy “menu.

Just so, how can I get duplicate PUC marks card?

Get Xerox of all documents(FIR,AFFIDAVIT,marks card Xerox,application form,bankchallan)1 copy. Than submit documents in puc board.They willkeep original documents and sign in Xerox copy for your furtherreference. NOTE: Take separate AFFIDAVIT for sslc and puc markscard.

when was 2nd PUC Supplementary Exam 2018? The SSLC supplementary exams are also scheduledfrom June 21- 28,' reported sources. Around 2.5 lakh candidateswill appear for Karnataka PUC II Supplementary examsconducted by the Karnataka Secondary EducationExamination Board (KSEEB) from tomorrow, i.e., June29.

Also asked, what is 1st PUC?

The pre-university course or pre-degree course,popularly abbreviated to PUC or PDC, is an intermediatecourse (which is known as 10+2) of two years' duration, conductedby state education institutions or boards in India. Thispre-university course is also known as the Plus-two or Intermediatecourse.

When was 2nd PUC Supplementary Results 2019?

About Karnataka 2nd PUC result 2019 However, the result for the same was declared onApril 09, 2019. In 2019, a total of 6,71,653candidates appeared for class `12 examination.

Related Question Answers

Laurentiu Handl


What is the passing marks in 1st PUC?

PUC Passing criteria & results in thepast
A minimum of 24 marks out of 90 in theory and apaper minimum of 30 including practicals out of 100 and anaggregate of 35% in part II. However minimum marks inpracticals is not fixed. Practical exams will be conducted onlyonce.

Dounia Antal


What is PUC full form?

1) PUC: Pollution Under Control
It refers to a document which is mandatory for allon-road vehicles like two-wheelers, four-wheelers and othercommercial vehicles. This document or certificate is issued afterthoroughly checking a vehicle on standardparameters.

Tomasa Gavrilopoulos


What is the passing marks for 2nd PUC?

Students need to secure 35 per cent marks toclear the PUC exam. Candidates will need to score aminimum of 70 marks in the language papers and 30marks each in individual subjects for a total of 210 out of600 marks to be declared pass.

Olavo Cuenca


What are the subjects in PUC?

PUC Course Combinations
Course Admission start date
Commerce Stream
History, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy (HEBA) STARTED HEBA
Computer Science, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy(CEBA) STARTED CEBA

Linna Krohn


Which is the best college in Bangalore for PUC?

List of top 10 Best Pre University (PU) Colleges InBangalore
  • Bishop Cotton Women's Christian College.
  • Baldwin Women's Methodist College (BWMC)
  • Christ Junior College.
  • Shri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College.
  • Jyothi Nivas Pre-University College.
  • M. E. S. Kishora Kendra Pre-University College.
  • NMKRV College For Women.
  • Kumarans PU College.



What is SSLC and PUC?

The Secondary School Leaving Certificate (commonlyreferred to as SSLC) is a certification obtained by astudent on successful completion of an examination at the end ofstudy at the secondary schooling level in India.

Otmane Pons


What does pre university education mean?

Definition ofPre-University
Pre-University refers to theeducation you underwent before you began college. This termcan also be used to refer to anything that you did beforegoing to college - such as a pre-universityinternship, college course, or job.

Yusara Facchinetti


Is supplementary exam difficult?

Since supplementary exams are mostly in isolation, i.e mean you don't have tension for other subjects' exam.So to be fair to students who studied for all the subjects at once,this is set to be tougher so that to score similar marks ,guyattempting supplementary have to work harder.

Fuensanta Javicoli


What is supplementary result?

The best possible result from asupplementary exam is SP (supplementary pass) or SS(supplementary pass in an ungraded subject).Supplementary exams are scheduled after the formal examperiod, and may not be available for all subjects, or for allexamination types.