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Asked by: Husam Mittelhausser
education standardized testingHow can I get revaluation for PUC 2019?
- Open the web site
- Select the hyper link for scan copy click here for scannedcopy, retotalling and revaluattion.
- After opening the above link select the “Student”Menu for the portal.
- Select “Application form for scanned copy “menu.
Just so, how can I get duplicate PUC marks card?
Get Xerox of all documents(FIR,AFFIDAVIT,marks card Xerox,application form,bankchallan)1 copy. Than submit documents in puc board.They willkeep original documents and sign in Xerox copy for your furtherreference. NOTE: Take separate AFFIDAVIT for sslc and puc markscard.
Also asked, what is 1st PUC?
The pre-university course or pre-degree course,popularly abbreviated to PUC or PDC, is an intermediatecourse (which is known as 10+2) of two years' duration, conductedby state education institutions or boards in India. Thispre-university course is also known as the Plus-two or Intermediatecourse.
About Karnataka 2nd PUC result 2019 However, the result for the same was declared onApril 09, 2019. In 2019, a total of 6,71,653candidates appeared for class `12 examination.