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Asked by: Peligros Santofimia
travel australia and oceania travelHow can I go to Bora Bora island?
In respect to this, how do you get to Bora Bora island?
To get Bora Bora flights you must firstflyinto French Polynesia's Faa'a International Airport, atPapeete, onthe main island of Tahiti. United, Air NewZealand, AirTahiti Nui, Air France, French Bee, LAN and HawaiianAirlines allfly into Tahiti. From Papeete, Air Tahiti fliesto 47island air-strips.
Also, how much does a trip to Bora Bora cost?
There are limited flights to Bora Bora (onlyfourper day), and they all originate in Tahiti. Hotels are fewandfancy, ranging from $400–$2,000 per night for theloweststandard rates. The average cost for aweek-longholiday in Bora Bora starts at around $11,000fortwo.
There are two services per week, and the tripfromPapeete to Huahine takes nine hours; it's 11 hours to Raiatea,12hours to Tahaa and 13 to Bora Bora. A morecomfortableferry is available for transit between BoraBora,Raiatea, Tahaa and the small island of Maupiti (25 mileswest ofBora Bora).