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Asked by: Xinfeng Illarza
medical health bone and joint conditionsHow can I heal my broken hand at home?
Are There Home Remedies for a Broken Hand?
- Control any bleeding by placing a clean cloth or gauze pad overthe wound and apply direct pressure.
- As soon as the injury has occurred, apply ice wrapped ina towel to the injured area to decrease pain and reduceswelling.
- Remove any jewelry immediately.
Similarly one may ask, can a broken hand heal on its own?
Most fractures heal well. After healing, yourknuckle may look different or your finger may move in a differentway when you close your hand. Your metacarpal bones arebroken and shifted out of place. Your fingers do not line upcorrectly.
In this regard, how can I treat a broken hand at home?
- Control any bleeding by placing a clean cloth or gauze pad overthe wound.
- As soon as the injury has occurred, apply ice to the injuredarea to decrease pain and reduce swelling.
- Remove any jewelry immediately.
- Contact your doctor, who will often refer you to an emergencydepartment for diagnosis and treatment.
Hand Fracture: Fifth Metacarpal (Boxer's) FractureExercises
- Wrist range of motion.
- Flexion: Gently bend your wrist forward. Hold for 5 seconds. Do2 sets of 15.
- Extension: Gently bend your wrist backward. Hold this position5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 15.
- Side to side: Gently move your wrist from side to side (ahandshake motion). Hold for 5 seconds in each direction.