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Asked by: Manahil Obando
medical health digestive disordersHow can I help my puppy with diarrhea?
Similarly one may ask, what home remedy can I give my dog for diarrhea?
At-home treatment for acute diarrhea caninclude the following: a bland diet such as boiled hamburger orchicken with broth and rice for a few days, a probiotic such asFortiflora (available only through veterinarians) or anover-the-counter probiotic and frequent walks.
Herein, is it normal for puppies to have diarrhea?
Diarrhea is a common issue for puppies, sobeing familiar with dog diarrhea treatments is important forpet owners. Mild cases can be treated at home, but more severecases of diarrhea can be deadly for puppies. Whilediarrhea isn't a disease, it is a sign of illness, caused bymany different conditions.
In fact, many acute diarrhea cases will resolveon their own or with basic home care in one to two days. If yourdog had one somewhat soft stool but is otherwise playful andeating normally, you can wait to see what the next bowel movementlooks like before taking further action.