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Asked by: Samad D'Andrea
pop culture celebrity pregnancyHow can I know who blocked me from seeing their Instagram stories?
Accordingly, how can you tell if someone blocked you from seeing their Instagram stories?
You never receive any notification alertingyouwhen someone has blocked you onInstagram.However, you will not be able to find theprofile, posts, orStory of the user who blocked you.So, ifyou're wondering if you've been blocked,searchfor the account in question on your phone and then using afriend'sphone.
Just so, can someone tell if you block them from seeing your story?
To block someone from seeing yoursnapchatstory: To block a friend from viewingyourSnapchat story, check the box next to theirname.That's it! They won't be notified thatyouhave blocked them from viewing your story andtheywill still be able to message you.
Go through their posts, likes, comments, and followerstosee if the suspect's username appears. If the user'snameappears, click on it. If you click on the user's profile andareunable to see their content, even though it says theyhave anumber of posts at the top of their profile, then theyhaveblocked you.