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Asked by: Ignaci Hirscher
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsHow can I make my voice deeper on the phone?
- Keep your chin up. Good posture will help you maintain adeep and authoritative voice.
- Swallow before speaking. One trick to attain a deepervoice is to do a swallowing motion just before youspeak.
- Speak slowly.
- Avoid speaking with a growly or raspy voice.
Moreover, how can I make my voice deeper permanently?
To make your voice sound deeper, startspeaking from your stomach rather than your throat bylowering the back of your tongue into your throat.You can also practice better breathing techniques, like breathingfrom your diaphragm instead of yourchest.
Correspondingly, how can you change your voice?
- Figure out what you sound like.
- Stop talking through your nose.
- Don't speak from the back of your throat.
- Speak through your "mask".
- Project from your diaphragm.
- Change your pitch.
A deeper voice in the morning is aninevitable result of a good night's rest. During sleep, the tissuesin our throat collect fluid, which is also what causes our eyes tolook puffy when we just wake up. Our lack of vocal cord use duringthe night also causes mucus to build up during the hours we spendasleep.