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Asked by: Moner Zuehlke
business and finance green solutionsHow can I naturally purify water at home?
The following are the common methods of waterpurification.
- Boiling. This is a reliable way to purify water.
- Use of Iodine solution, tablets or crystals. This is aneffective and more convenient method.
- Use chlorine drops. Chlorine has the ability to kill bacteriain water.
- Use water filter.
- Use Ultraviolet Light.
Also to know is, how can I purify water cheaply?
4 Methods to Purify Your Water
- 1 – Boiling. Boiling water is the cheapest and safestmethod of water purification.
- 2 – Filtration. Filtration is one of the effective waysof purifying water and when using the right multimedia filters it'seffective in ridding water of the compounds.
- 3 – Distillation.
- 4 – Chlorination.
- Boiling (Rolling boil for 1 minute) has a very higheffectiveness in killing bacteria;
- Filtration has a moderate effectiveness in removing bacteriawhen using an absolute less than or equal to 0.3 micronfilter;
In this manner, how do you make tap water clean?
To disinfect water with unscented household liquid chlorinebleach:
- Filter it through a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filterOR allow it to settle.
- Draw off the clear water.
- Follow the instructions for disinfecting drinking water thatare written on the label of the bleach.
All it requires is sunlight and PET bottles. TheUV-A rays in sunlight kill germs such as viruses,bacteria and parasites (giardia and cryptosporidia). Themethod also works when air and water temperatures arelow.