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Asked by: Vitali Christy
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow can I read Kindle books on my Mac?
Also, can you read your Kindle books on your computer?
Absolutely yes! Amazon released the Kindle for PCapplication in late 2009, which allows eBooks from Amazon'sstore or personal eBooks to be read on a personalcomputer, with no Kindle device required. Inother words, Kindle books can be read on more systemsor devices with Kindle app.
In this manner, how do I read a Kindle book?
How to read Kindle Books with Kindle Cloud Reader
- Borrow a book and send it to your Amazon account.
- Go to to open Kindle Cloud Reader. You may needto sign in with your Amazon account.
- Your Kindle Library is displayed on the main page. Select abook to start reading.
At $9.99 per month, Kindle Unlimited costsabout $120 per year. E-books on Amazon can vary wildly in price,from $0.99 to hundreds of dollars. Either way, Amazon is offering a30-day free trial of Kindle Unlimited, so you can test yourbinge-reading capabilities before committing to pay for theservice.