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Asked by: Ehedey Deira
business and finance startupsHow can I register my small business name in India?
- Step 1: Acquire Director Identification Number(DIN)
- Step 2: Acquire Digital Signature Certificate(DSC):
- Step 3: Create a account on MCA Portal – Newuserregistration.
- Step 4: Apply for the company to be registered.
In this way, how can I register my small business in India?
Small Business Registration In India | BasicGuide
- Small Business Registration Guidelines & Procedures ToStartA Business In India For Beginners.
- Obtain Digital Signature.
- Obtain director Identification Number (DIN)
- Secure Your Company Name.
- Craft Memorandum and Articles of Association.
- File INC-29 & Get the Incorporation Letter.
- Obtain Permanent Account Number.
- Use a Doing Business As (DBA) The easiest way to registerabusiness is to file a DBA, also sometimes called registeringafictitious business name, with your state or countyclerk'soffice.
- Create a Business Structure.
- Register a Trademark.
Keeping this in view, do I need to register my small business in India?
The answer is no! Registering a company is nottheonly way to start a business in India. There are manyotherways to start your business in India, but people arenotfamiliar with. The simplest way to start yourownbusiness is to acquire any tax license, like servicetaxregistration.
Cost: One-time cost of around Rs.14,000for authorised capital of Rs. 1 lakh. This isn't arequirement forprivate limited companies, per se, but allbusinesses inIndia. Each one of them requires somegovernmentregistrations, based on the offering.