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Asked by: Jinxing Buzatu
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow can I remotely wipe my stolen iPhone?
Also, what happens when you erase iPhone remotely?
When you remotely erase a device, ActivationLockremains on to protect it. Your Apple ID and password arerequiredto reactivate the device. Important: Before youerase yourdevice, try to locate it or play a sound on it. Afteryouerase it, you can't use Find My iPhone todoeither.
Keeping this in consideration, can you wipe a stolen iPhone?
If your iOS device, Apple Watch, or Macislost or stolen, you can erase it using FindMyiPhone on if you set up FindMyiPhone on the device before it was lost. SeetheApple Support article Family Sharing. When youremotelyerase a device, Activation Lock remains on toprotectit.
To prevent anyone else from accessing the data onyourmissing device, you can erase it remotely. Whenyouerase your device, all of your information(includingcredit, debit, or prepaid cards for Apple Pay) is deletedfrom thedevice, and you won't be able to find it using theFindMy app or Find iPhone