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Asked by: Soumana Glickman
travel business travelHow can I renew my passport appointment online in Bangalore?
Passport Renewal Process in Bangalore
- Download the e-form by registering online on theofficialPassport India website or visit the PassportSevaKendra and avail the form.
- Attach a PP form that is used for PoliceVerificationreport.
- Upload the e-form online with supporting documents.
- Schedule an appointment.
Then, how can I renew my passport online in Bangalore?
Login to the Passport Seva OnlinePortalwith the registered Login Id. Click "Apply forFreshPassport/Re-issue of Passport" link. Fill intherequired details in the form and submit. Click the "PayandSchedule Appointment" link on the "ViewSaved/SubmittedApplications" screen to scheduleanappointment.
- Log on with same id at Passport Web Site by which youappliedfor Passport Apply.
- Go to View and saved Applications.
- Click on your Application Submitted.
- Click on to Book Appointment at Enquiry Office.
- No charges or Fee to be Paid.
Also to know, how do I make an appointment to renew my passport?
There are two options to make the appointment:
- Call the 24-hour automated appointment system at1-877-487-2778;TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793.
- Or, use the State Department's online passportappointmentsystem.
The following documents are required forpassportrenewal.
- Original old Passport.
- Self-attested copies of the first two pages and the lasttwopages of the passport.
- Self-attested copy of the page of observation, if any, madebythe Passport Issuing Authority.
- Self-attested copy of the ECR/ Non-ECR page.