Asked by: Soumana Glickman
travel business travel

How can I renew my passport appointment online in Bangalore?

Passport Renewal Process in Bangalore
  1. Download the e-form by registering online on theofficialPassport India website or visit the PassportSevaKendra and avail the form.
  2. Attach a PP form that is used for PoliceVerificationreport.
  3. Upload the e-form online with supporting documents.
  4. Schedule an appointment.

Then, how can I renew my passport online in Bangalore?

Login to the Passport Seva OnlinePortalwith the registered Login Id. Click "Apply forFreshPassport/Re-issue of Passport" link. Fill intherequired details in the form and submit. Click the "PayandSchedule Appointment" link on the "ViewSaved/SubmittedApplications" screen to scheduleanappointment.

Also Know, how do I make an appointment at regional passport office? To book an Appointment with RPO online, followtheProcedure.
  1. Log on with same id at Passport Web Site by which youappliedfor Passport Apply.
  2. Go to View and saved Applications.
  3. Click on your Application Submitted.
  4. Click on to Book Appointment at Enquiry Office.
  5. No charges or Fee to be Paid.

Also to know, how do I make an appointment to renew my passport?

There are two options to make the appointment:

  1. Call the 24-hour automated appointment system at1-877-487-2778;TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793.
  2. Or, use the State Department's online passportappointmentsystem.

What are the documents required for passport renewal?

The following documents are required forpassportrenewal.

  • Original old Passport.
  • Self-attested copies of the first two pages and the lasttwopages of the passport.
  • Self-attested copy of the page of observation, if any, madebythe Passport Issuing Authority.
  • Self-attested copy of the ECR/ Non-ECR page.

Related Question Answers

Erlaitz Damaso


How can I renew my passport in Bangalore?

Passport Renewal Process in Bangalore
  1. Download the e-form by registering online on theofficialPassport India website or visit the Passport Seva Kendraand availthe form.
  2. Attach a PP form that is used for PoliceVerificationreport.
  3. Upload the e-form online with supporting documents.
  4. Schedule an appointment.

Zabulon Gahete


How long does it take for reissue of passport in Bangalore?

While no timelines are promised, the RPO tries to issueapassport in 45 days time. However, it couldtakelonger, sometimes even 2 to 3 months. In case of aTatkalpassport, it takes about 30 days excluding the dateofsubmission of application. Passport Fees forfreshpassport and reissue of passportforadults.

Wilfred Aliau


How long will it take to renew passport?

approximately three weeks

Rabii Adanez


How do I apply for a new passport?

Login to the Passport Seva Online Portal withtheregistered Login Id. Click "Apply forFreshPassport/Re-issue of Passport" link. Fill intherequired details in the form and submit. Click the "PayandSchedule Appointment" link on the "ViewSaved/SubmittedApplications" screen to scheduleanappointment.

Cheickna Haneke


How do I get a new passport?

Step 2: Prepare Your Application Package
  1. Complete your Form DS-11 Application for U.S. Passport ontheState Department website.
  2. Print your completed application. DO NOT SIGNYOURAPPLICATION.
  3. Have a passport photo taken.
  4. Photocopy your proof of identity and U.S.Citizenshipdocuments.
  5. Calculate your fees.

Dmitriy Uehlein


How do I download my e passport?

Apply for Passport viae-FormSubmission
After registering, login to the PassportSevaPortal. Download the e-Form for fresh or reissueofPassport. Fill the downloaded e-Form and clicktheValidate & Save button. This will generate an XML filewhichwill be required later for uploading inthesystem.

Birane El Hammouti


How can I apply for passport online 2019?

Login to the Passport Seva OnlinePortalwith the Login Id created in Step 1. Click "ApplyforBackground Verification for GEP" link. Fill in the requireddetailsin the form and submit. Click the "Pay and ScheduleAppointment"link on the "View Saved/Submitted Applications" screento schedulean appointment.

Valerian Geerlink


How can I apply for passport offline?

How to Apply For Passport At DistrictPassportCell?
  1. Submit the passport forms with photographs (asperspecifications)
  2. Submit supporting documentation (self-attested)
  3. Provide original documentation for verification(ifrequired)
  4. Pay passport fee via DD.
  5. Receive Acknowledgement Letter containing the File Number.

Laaziz Bechi


Can I take my own passport photo?

Instead of tracking down a photo booth andpayingfor a set of passport photos as you usually would,youcan now take your own digitalpassportphoto at home. You'll need to find someone to helpyou, as youcan't take your photo yourself– whichmeans no selfies.

Barney Parajon


Can we choose passport appointment date?

The system automatically chooses the nextavailabledate.
Even when rescheduling, youcan'tchoose a date. When reschedulinganappointment, you can reschedule anappointmentonly twice in a year and you may need those 2times just in casethe passport office is not satisfied withyourdocuments.

Merce Tuikin


Can I go directly to DFA without appointment?

People qualified to use the courtesy lanecanprocess their passport applications withoutgetting anappointment. They can arrive at theDFA officewithout an appointment, walk-in,present proof thatthey are qualified to use the courtesy lane, andthen have theirapplications processed immediately.

Rosy Beiras


How much does a renewal passport cost?

Adult Renewal Applicants (16 and Older)
Product Form Application Fee
Passport Book DS-82 $110
Passport Card DS-82 $30
Passport Book & Card DS-82 $140

Wouter Kemmerling


How do I pay for my passport?

Applying at a Passport Acceptance Facility for ServicebyMail
  1. Passport application fee (and expedited service fee,ifselected) must be paid by check or money order made payableto“Department of State.”
  2. Passport Acceptance Agent Fee may be paid by money order orbankdraft.

Wilder Guillemet


What do I need to bring to post office for passport?

Postal Service makes it easier than ever to apply forapassport
  • Proof of US citizenship.
  • Proof of identity (valid driver's license, governmentemployeeID, military ID)
  • Photocopies of U.S. citizenship and identificationdocuments(these will be sent with the application, but bringoriginals forproof documentation)

Manssour Akrivopoulos


What do I need to take my passport picture?

Passport photos must be “taken in frontofa plain white or off-whitebackground.”Passport photos must be “taken infull-face viewdirectly facing the camera.” When takingyourown passport photo, make sure that youhave a“neutral facial expression and botheyesopen.”

Mahy Bavtrukevitch


Do all CVS take passport photos?

Thousands of CVS pharmacies across thenationare able to quickly take and printpassportphotos for your convenience. All phototechnicians,CVS says, are trained to provideprofessionalpictures that meet U.S. State Department requirementsforpassport, visa, and ID card photos.

Nobuko Facerias


Tolentina Villacañas


How do I get a passport quickly?

To find out if you are eligible to use Form DS-82, seeRenewa Passport.
  1. Fill out your application and collect your documents.
  2. Be sure to include the $60 expedite fee in addition tothenormal application fee.
  3. Clearly mark "EXPEDITE" on the outside of the envelope.
  4. The expedite fee does not include 1-2 Day Delivery.

Tomislav Onis


How can I make an appointment for passport online?

Option #1: DFA online appointment:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Schedule an Appointment” at thetopmenu.
  3. Select “Start Group Appointment” if you'reapplyingin behalf of your family.
  4. Fill in the required information.
  5. Double-check the details you have indicated in theapplicationform.