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Asked by: Kenny Wagenlohner
technology and computing laptopsHow can I save battery on my Lenovo tablet?
How to extend battery life on LENOVO TAB 2A10-70?
- You can find the above features here:Settings>Displayand Wallpaper (Screen) >Brightness.
- In order to change screnn timeout goto:Settings>Screen>Screen timeout.
- You should go through the following path tousethe mentionedfeatures:Settings>Battery>Power savingmode.
Besides, how can I make my Lenovo battery last longer?
Here are some easy ways to do it on a Windows8.1laptop:
- Turn down the brightness on your screen.
- ?2.
- Turn off or unplug unneeded devices.
- Turn off Bluetooth.
- Modify your Power Plan settings.
- Expect even more battery power with InstantGo.
- Lenovo Companion—Your New Go-To App.
Likewise, people ask, should I leave my Lenovo laptop plugged in all the time?
Honorable. You can charge it to 100% and keepyourlaptop plugged in. Keeping it plugged in whileusingshould actually increase your battery life inthe longrun. Just remember to discharge it to around 30% onceaweek.
Click "Change advanced Power settings".5.In the new window of "Power Options", scroll down andfindthe "Battery" and click the "+" sign to extendthemenu. All settings could be changed for thebatterylevel, battery notifications andbatteryactions.