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Asked by: Marlana Lukasz
movies crime and mystery moviesHow can I see all the movies I've watched on Netflix?
Correspondingly, how can I see all the movies I've watched on Netflix?
All you have to do is head to yourNetflixaccount, hit the avatar at the top right and click on'Account.'Then, scroll down to the 'My Profile' section and clickon 'Viewingactivity.' Behold, pages, upon pages, upon pages ofshows you'vewatched. As well as the date showing when youwatchedthem.
- Head to the Netflix home page in your browser and sign in.
- In the upper right-hand corner you'll see your accountsymbol.Mouse over it, then click “Your Account.”
- Scroll down and click the “Viewingactivity”link.
- Then click the “See recent accountaccess”link.
Beside this, can you see how many times you've watched something on Netflix?
Then hit ctrl+f and type in the name of thethingyou want to know how much you watched it. Pressenter(more then once), and you can see how many timesyou'vewatched it.
Because profiles aren't locked, anyone usingyouraccount on a computer or on a streaming gadget can seewhatyou've been up to. Fortunately, if you did watchsomethingyou don't really want anyone else tosee,Netflix now allows you to edit your viewinghistory. Go tothe Netflix home page and log in.