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Asked by: Tirsa Jebbour
healthy living smoking cessationHow can I smoke in my room and get away with it?
- Open a window or fireplace duct. Before youstartsmoking, it's very important you give the smokeanexit to escape.
- Place a wet towel against the bottom crack ofyourdoor.
- Turn on a fan or ventilator.
- Fill your room with another smell beforehand.
- Try smoking after someone elsesmokedindoors.
Also to know is, can you get away with smoking in a hotel room?
There are a few ways that hotel managementknowsyou have smoked in the guest room. Folks, itdoes nottake very much smoke to give it away. Onceyoublow out, unless the breeze is going directly in theoppositedirection of where you stand, the smoke willgetembedded in the drapes, at the very least.
Regarding this, how do you hide the smell of smoke?
A Breath of Fresh Air You could also try chewing on mint leaves, which isacommon and effective strategy used in India to freshen thebreath.Another way to hide the smell of cigarettes is toeatsomething that has a strong odor, such as somethingwithgarlic or onions.
Sploofs actually work very well. The best onesare99.97% effective at removing odor from your smoke.Mosthomemade sploofs do not work verywell.