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Asked by: Rayhan Figueirinhas
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow can I spice up v8 juice?
Furthermore, what can you add to v8?
The advantage of V8 over fresh tomatoes, canned tomatoes, or even straight tomato juice is that it includes all sorts of other vegetables along with the tomatoes. Carrots, spinach, celery, and even beets give this juice a depth and roundness over others.
Subsequently, question is, how can I make tomato juice taste better?
Mix apple, carrot or grape juice into prepared tomato juice. Use 1/4 cup of fruit juice for every cup of tomato juice you use. Add non-spicy herb and spice powders to flavor tomato juice with a savory taste. Mix in a pinch of ground salt, pepper, cumin, coriander or chili, or any other spice of your choice.
Adding a dash of ginger, an apple and some mint to broccoli results in a nice broccoli drink combo. Some people like kale in their drinks. A fine mixture of kale and spinach with chili pepper will knock any grassy taste right out of the juice. Fruit added to a vegetable drink will give it a sweet taste.