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Asked by: Armiche Corisco
style and fashion mens sportswearHow can I stretch my jean shorts fast?
Beside this, how long does it take for jeans to stretch?
It should take just a fewminutes. However, you will need to let them dry if you usethe wetting method. They'll need about 2-3 hours minimum to airdry, but it could take longer if you get them verywet.
Considering this, can you stretch out an elastic waistband?
You'll not really stretch out elastic -because it's elastic and will go back to its ownshape unless you stretch it way too much - which won't bepossible without ruining your shorts. Your best betis to cut a bit of the waistband at the back - onthe inside you can probably just snip a fewstitches.
It can stretch but can't pull back intoshape," she says. Despite their name, stretch jeans willactually expand less in the long run. Fabrics like spandex or lycraare elastomeric, which allows them to be figure-hugging, but theywon't loosen as much as traditionaldenim.