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Asked by: Euken Sony
style and fashion mens shoes and footwearHow can I stretch my shoes for bunions?
- Use a professional shoe stretchingtool.Shoe stretchers usually come with a spray thatyouspray on your shoe before inserting theshoestretcher.
- Apply heat.
- Spray rubbing alcohol.
- Stuff your shoes with potatoes, or wet newspapers.
- Insert a frozen bag of water.
Furthermore, how long do you leave shoe stretchers in?
It should take 5-8 full turns to get theheelblock to the back of the shoe. Leave thestretcherin for 6 – 8 hours, and then check for fit.If youneed additional stretching, put the stretcherback in andwait another 8 hours. It may take 1 – 2 days toachieve theright fit.
can you use a shoe stretcher on boots?
Boot stretchers stretch shoes, but theyarenot miracle workers. If you need to go a half size to afullsize up, a boot stretcher will get you there.But ifyour shoes are 2 sizes too big, consider purchasing anewpair of shoes. Boot stretchers work best onnaturalmaterials like leather and canvas.
If you need some extra breathing room, put a baggieofwater in your shoe and toss it in the freezertostretch it a bit. As we all (hopefully) learned inschool,water expands when it freezes. That means a small bag filledwithwater will stretch your shoe a bit as theiceforms.