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Asked by: Sevak Echeverria
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow can I take care of my eyes from my computer?
If you work at a desk and use a computer, theseself-caresteps can help take some of the strain off youreyes.
- Blink often to refresh your eyes.
- Take eye breaks.
- Check the lighting and reduce glare.
- Adjust your monitor.
- Use a document holder.
- Adjust your screen settings.
Also asked, how do I take care of my eyes after using my computer?
7 Ways Computer Users Can Take Care of their Eyes
- Go to regular eye check-ups. Schedule regular consultationswithyour eye doctor, so that you can monitor your eye health.
- Wear proper eyewear.
- Blink often.
- Apply the 20-20-20 rule.
- Work with the lights on.
- Reduce glare.
- Adjust display settings.
Consequently, can being on a computer damage your eyes?
There's no proof that computer use causesanylong-term damage to the eyes. But regularusecan lead to eye strain and discomfort. Youmaynotice: Blurred vision.
Vision care
- Eat at least 5 servings daily of fruits and vegetables.
- Don't smoke.
- Take regular breaks while doing computer work and othertasksthat mostly involve your eyes.
- Wear your glasses.
- Wear sunglasses when out of doors.
- Closely follow the recommended schedule for cleaning andwearingcontact lenses.