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Asked by: Adelmo Quaini
technology and computing smartphonesHow can I tell if my Apple Lightning cable is real?
- Make sure the Lightning connector is a one-piecedesign.
- Make sure the Lightning connector has a smoothfinish.
- Make sure the contacts on the Lightning connectorare rounded and smooth.
- Check for consistency in the white plastic boot'swidth.
People also ask, what is an Apple Lightning cable?
Lightning (connector) Introduced on September 12,2012, to replace its predecessor, the 30-pin dock connector, theLightning connector is used to connect Apple mobiledevices like iPhones, iPads, and iPods to host computers, externalmonitors, cameras, USB battery chargers, and otherperipherals.
Hereof, are all Apple Lightning cables the same?
They will all provide the same speed. Theywill all provide the same charging speed. Now notall lightning cables are the same. It's well knownthat the official Apple cables will quickly desintegratenear the lightning port, mostly because people will pull thecable and not the connector.
Apple MFicertification is a license shown that Apple(Apple Inc.) has authorized accessory manufacturers to markthe MFi logo on their products. MFi is theabbreviation of Made for iPod, Made for iPhone, and Made foriPad.