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Asked by: Romaisae Benken
home and garden home appliancesHow can I tell if my stainless steel is 304 or 316?
Similarly, it is asked, how can you tell the difference between 304 and 316 stainless steel?
The simple answer is 304 contains 18%chromiumand 8% nickel while 316 contains 16% chromium, 10%nickeland 2% molybdenum. The molybdenum is added to help resistcorrosionto chlorides (like sea water and de-icingsalts).
- Stick the magnet on the piece you are testing. If itholdsfirmly, the metal is possibly stainless steel.
- Pick a spot on the piece that you don't mind damagingalittle.
- Fill the eye dropper with muriatic acid. Drop a small amountofthe acid on the test spot.
- Wipe the acid off the piece. Examine the test spot.
Regarding this, is 304 or 316 stainless steel stronger?
Stainless 316 contains more nickelthanstainless 304, while 304 contains more chromiumthan316. Both steels are durable and provideexcellentresistance to corrosion and rust. 304 stainlesssteel is themost versatile and widely used austeniticstainless steel inthe world, due to its corrosionresistance.
All stainless steel is magneticexceptaustenitic stainless steel which is actually 300seriesstainless such as 304 and 316. However, 300seriesstainless is non-magnetic only after it isfreshlyformed. 304 is almost for sure to becomemagneticafter cold work such as pressing, blasting,cutting,etc.