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Asked by: Eduvina Dmukhovsky
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow can I test my peripheral vision at home?
- Start with a simple Confrontational Visual FieldExam.For this peripheral vision test, your eye doctor willsitright across from you and ask you to cover one eye.
- Participate in an Automated Perimetry Exam.
- Map your peripheral vision with a TargetScreenExam.
- Discuss your results and any recommended treatments.
Moreover, how can you tell if you are losing your peripheral vision?
Symptoms of Tunnel Vision / Peripheral VisionLoss
- Seeing glare or halos around lights and otherilluminatedobjects.
- Unusual pupil size.
- Increased or decreased sensitivity to light.
- Impaired night vision.
- Redness, soreness or swelling in one or both eyes.
People also ask, can you read with peripheral vision?
When you speed read in clumps,youread words in your peripheral as well as yourmacularvision. Using your peripheral visionallowsyou to read with fewer eye fixations becauseyourvision span is wider and you can see,read,and process more words at a time.
A common cause of loss ofperipheralvision (also called a peripheral fielddefect) is opticnerve damage from glaucoma. Eye "strokes"(occlusions) that blocknormal blood flow to the eye'sinternal structures,including the optic nerve, also can leadto loss ofperipheral vision.