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Asked by: Shamika Viton
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow can I test myself for glaucoma?
- Ophthalmoscopy. The doctor will place a few drops in your eyetoopen or dilate the pupil.
- Photography or Optic Nerve and Retinal Imaging.
- Tonometry.
- Perimetry.
- Gonioscopy.
- Take Our Adult Vision Risk Assessment.
Keeping this in view, how can you test for glaucoma at home?
He or she may perform several tests, including:
- Measuring intraocular pressure (tonometry)
- Testing for optic nerve damage with a dilated eyeexaminationand imaging tests.
- Checking for areas of vision loss (visual field test)
- Measuring corneal thickness (pachymetry)
- Inspecting the drainage angle (gonioscopy)
- measure your eye pressure.
- inspect your eye's drainage angle.
- examine your optic nerve for damage.
- test your peripheral (side) vision.
- take a picture or computer measurement of your opticnerve.
- measure the thickness of your cornea.
In this way, can you test your own eye pressure?
Many people are familiar with the testseyedoctors use to detect and monitor glaucoma, includingtonometry,which measures pressure within the eye.Doctorsdo it with an instrument that puts a smallamountof pressure on the cornea using a tinyprobeor puff of air.
If the entire optic nerve is destroyed,blindnessresults. Other symptoms usually are related tosuddenincreases in IOP, particularly with acuteangle-closureglaucoma, and may include blurred vision, halosaroundlights, severe eye pain, headache, abdominal pain, nausea,andvomiting.