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Asked by: Luzdivino Dones
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow can I trade in my old iPad?
Here are a few of the best:
- Amazon. You can trade your old iPad in forAmazoncredit.
- Walmart. Walmart will give you a Walmart gift card foryourold iPads.
- Apple. Apple has its own trade-in program where youcanget an Apple gift card for an old Appledevice.
- Gazelle.
Hereof, how much is an old iPad worth?
Five years ago today, the original AppleiPadwent on sale in the US.
Here's how much your old iPad isworthnow.
Model | iPad 2 |
16GB WiFi | $70 |
64GB WiFi | $90 |
16GB Cellular | $75 |
64GB Cellular | $95 |
- Plug your device into power and connect to the InternetwithWi-Fi.
- Tap Settings > General > Software Update.
- Tap Download and Install. If a message asks totemporarilyremove apps because iOS needs more space for the update,tapContinue or Cancel.
- To update now, tap Install.
- If asked, enter your passcode.
Secondly, what can I do with an old iPad?
6 new uses for your old iPad
- Full-time photo frame ($199 at Amazon) An app like LiveFramecanturn your old iPad into an excellent digital photo frame.
- Dedicated music server.
- Dedicated e-book and magazine reader.
- Kitchen helper.
- Secondary monitor.
- The ultimate AV remote.
Yikes! For most people, the new operating system iscompatiblewith their existing iPads, so there is no need toupgradethe tablet itself. However, Apple has slowlystoppedupgrading older iPad models that cannot runitsadvanced features.