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Asked by: Henedina Eyser
personal finance credit cardsHow can I transfer money from my credit card to my bank account?
- Go to your ATM machine, insert your creditcardand use cash advance menu. The bank usuallycouldtransfer the money directly to your account oryoucan have it in cash.
- Same as above, then you take it by cash. Deposits those cashincash deposit machine or directly to yournearestbank.
Keeping this in view, how can I take money from my credit card?
Withdraw money from an ATM where yourcreditcard is accepted. Select "credit" when promptedtomake a withdrawal from checking, savings orcredit.Go to a bank to withdraw money against thelimit on yourcredit card. Check that the bank offersadvances from yourcredit card issuer, such as Mastercard orVisa.
Beside above, can I transfer money from credit card to bank account using PayPal?
To pay for a purchase or send money to afriend,we can simply debit the money from yourbankaccount or card when you initiate thetransaction.However, if you've linked your bank account toyourPayPal account, you can also move moneyfromyour bank account to your PayPal account forfree. Toadd money: Go to Wallet.
Every time a credit card is used towithdrawcash, a cash advance fee, which typically isthepercentage of the withdrawn amount, will becharged.Typically banks charge 2.5% to 3% of the withdrawnamountsubject to a minimum amount of Rs.300 to Rs.500 as creditcardcash advance fee.