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Asked by: Fuensanta Schmalholz
pets veterinary medicineHow can I treat my dog's hot spot at home?
In this way, what home remedy can I use for a hot spot on a dog?
How to Soothe Hot Spots
- Shave the area. The first treatment for hot spots is to dry them out and get air to the area.
- Cleanse the area. Use cool water and a gentle skin cleanser to clean it.
- Cool compress the area. Do this two to four times a day with a cool wet washcloth.
- Use medications.
- Prevent licking, biting, and scratching.
Beside this, what is the best thing to put on a dog's hot spot?
Apply hydrocortisone spray or hydrocortisone cream (with a veterinarian's prescription) to stop the itching and help promote healing. 4. Prevent your dog from biting, licking or scratching the hot spot affected area.
Neosporin is fine to use on your dog for very minor cuts and scrapes — it can help prevent bacterial infections and can keep your dog from scratching, licking, or biting at the wound site while it heals. Neosporin is not appropriate to use on other types of skin problems, like hot spots, rashes, or skin infections.