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Asked by: Sama Touriño
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow can we avoid the danger of electricity?
How to Prevent Electrical Hazard in workplace?
- Power Cord should be of High quality:
- Installation place:
- Avoid overloading in outlets:
- Inspect Electrical cords:
- Avoid binding and knotting cables:
- Unused appliances need to be unplugged:
- Avoid to maintain by yourself:
- Licensed electricians:
Herein, how can we prevent the danger of electricity?
Avoid overloading outlets with too manyappliances. Never plug in more than one high-wattage appliance at atime. Unplug appliances when not in use to save energy and minimizethe risk of shock and fire. Inspect electrical cordsonce a month to ensure they are not frayed, cracked or otherwisedamaged.
- contact with live parts causing shock and burns.
- faults which could cause fires;
- fire or explosion where electricity could be the source ofignition in a potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere, a spray paint booth.
Likewise, what are the dangers of electricity at home?
These are eight of the most dangerous electrical hazardsthat could arise in any home.
- Poor Wiring and Defective Electric Wires.
- Outlets Close to Water.
- Wet Hands.
- Pouring Water on Electrical Fires.
- Inquisitive Young Children.
- Extension Cords.
- Lightbulbs.
- Covered Electrical Cords and Wires.
5 electrical safety tips you should know for yourhome
- Replace or repair damaged power cords. Exposed wiring is adanger that cannot go overlooked, the NFPA wrote.
- Don't overload your outlets.
- Avoid extension cords as much as possible.
- Keep electrical equipment or outlets away from water.
- Protect small children from hazards.
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