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Asked by: Ferran Mendiburuteguia
business and finance green solutionsHow can we reduce the risk of floods?
- Introduce better flood warning systems.
- Modify homes and businesses to help them withstandfloods.
- Construct buildings above flood levels.
- Tackle climate change.
- Increase spending on flood defences.
- Protect wetlands and introduce plant trees strategically.
In this regard, what can reduce the risk of flooding?
Consider permanent flood protectionmeasures: Turning off the electricity to the basement mayreduce property damage in event of a flood. Checkyour house for water entry points. Install a sanitary sewerbackflow valve to prevent sewer backup flooding.Consider elevating your house above floodlevels.
Subsequently, question is, how can Flooding be solved?
Some methods of flood control have been practicedsince ancient times. These methods include planting vegetation toretain extra water, terracing hillsides to slow flow downhill, andthe construction of floodways (man-made channels to divertfloodwater).
In addition to helping farmers, dams helpprevent the loss of life and property caused byflooding. Flood control dams impoundfloodwaters and then either release them under control tothe river below the dam or store or divert the water forother uses.