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Asked by: Kees Saygos
technology and computing smartphonesHow can you find who a cell phone number belongs to?
- Use Reverse Phone Lookup. For numbers that arelisted in the phonebook, using a reverse phone numberservice is the easiest way to find out who a telephone numberbelongs to.
- Google the Telephone Number.
- Call the Number Back.
- Use People Search.
Thereof, how can you find the owner of a phone number?
How to Identify the Owner of a Phone Number
- Enter the phone number into a reverse phone number search orlook-up website.
- Find more information from the phone number's area code andthree-digit prefix.
- Call the phone number back and ask the person who the owneris.
Similarly, you may ask, is there a directory for cell phones?
Mobile phones buy you a degree of anonymity sincecell numbers aren't usually listed in phone books,but if you need to find a cell phone number or theowner of a cell number, you can still do it for free– all it takes is a little digging.
To get real-time results, IMEI & GPS call trackerscan be used to track the location of a phone call. Apps likeGPS Phone & Locate Any Phone are great withtracking mobile phones, even when the phone is notconnected to the internet. You can know the GPS coordinates of aphone number within seconds.