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Asked by: Maricruz Diehlmann
food and drink desserts and bakingHow can you make bread rise without yeast?
Herein, what can I use if I don't have yeast?
If you want to use baking soda as a substitutefor yeast, you'll need to add an acid to themix. Generally this is done by adding equal parts baking soda andlemon juice to equal the amount of yeast called for in therecipe. You can also use buttermilk in place of lemon juiceor a mixture of milk and vinegar.
Then, what happens to bread without yeast?
Once reactivated, yeast begins feeding on thesugars in flour, and releases the carbon dioxide that makesbread rise (although at a much slower rate than bakingpowder or soda). Yeast also adds many of the distinctiveflavors and aromas we associate with bread. For more onyeast, check out our fun yeast activity.
Dissolve 1 tsp sugar in 1/2 cup 110°F-115°Fwater. Add up to 3 packets of yeast, depending on yourrecipe, to the sugar solution. Stir in yeast untilcompletely dissolved. Let mixture stand until yeast beginsto foam vigorously (5 – 10 minutes).