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Asked by: Bennie De Oleo
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow can you make smoothies without a blender?
How to Make a Smoothie Without a Blender
- glass jar capable of holding at least 2 cups (so at least a16oz jar – I use these mason jars)
- whisk and/or spatula.
- 1/2 cup very soft fruit.
- 1/2 cup kefir or yogurt.
Similarly, it is asked, can you make a protein shake without a blender?
When I learned about the Thermos® shaker bottle,itsounded like a blessing – now I can mix myfavoritedrinks in a single bottle without usingablender. Add liquid to the Thermos® bottle.Thiscan be water, milk, or juice. Add solid contents, suchasprotein powder, sweeteners, spices, cacao powder, andfruitpuree.
- Always make a double batch so you have a quick andhealthyoption in the refrigerator.
- Store your drink in a glass container with an airtightlid.
- Seal your container tightly and store in the refrigerator.
- Bonus: Add lemon juice to your smoothie or juice.
Likewise, people ask, how do you make a banana milkshake without a blender?
- Peel the banana.
- Chop the banana up.
- Mash slices.
- Add in your sweetener and continue mixing.
- Slowly top the puree with the milk.
- Blend in the milk with the puree with a spoon.
- Cool your smoothie.
- Garnish your glass.
15 Creative, Delicious Things You Can Make inaBlender
- Pancakes and Waffles. The next time you make pancake orwafflebatter, try using your blender.
- Sauces. Homemade sauces become so much easier with the help ofablender.
- Soups. A great way to give your blender a workout ismakingsmooth and creamy soups.
- Condiments.
- Quick Breads.
- Protein Shakes.
- Peanut Butter.
- Milkshakes.