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Asked by: Niceto Nagabhushana
personal finance frugal livingHow can you prevent plastic bottles?
Tips to Use Less Plastic
- Stop using plastic straws, even inrestaurants.
- Use a reusable produce bag.
- Give up gum.
- Buy boxes instead of bottles.
- Purchase food, like cereal, pasta, and rice from bulk bins andfill a reusable bag or container.
- Reuse containers for storing leftovers or shopping inbulk.
Keeping this in consideration, how can we avoid plastic in our daily life?
Reducing Plastic In Your Daily Life
- Avoid using straws. Do you really need a straw?
- Use reusable produce bags.
- Frequent stores that use paper.
- Buy in bulk.
- Stop buying bottled water.
- Stop chewing gum.
- Buy cardboard over plastic.
Also to know is, how can we solve the problem of plastic?
Here are seven ways you can make a difference.
- Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics.
- Recycle Properly.
- Participate In (or Organize) a Beach or River Cleanup.
- Support Bans.
- Avoid Products Containing Microbeads.
- Spread the Word.
- Support Organizations Addressing Plastic Pollution.
Plastics stay in the environment for 300 years.Yes it is possible to live without plastic, though thismight be difficult at first. We can get our own containersfor milk, honey and more, like in the past. Buy veggies by weightin a single bag, instead of individual plasticones.