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Asked by: Izhar Novissimo
technology and computing operating systemsHow can you tell how many threads you are running?
You will find how many threads you can run on your machine by running htop or ps command that returns number of process on your machine. You can use man page about 'ps' command. If you want to calculate number of all users process, you can use one of these commands: ps -aux| wc -l.
Thereof, how many threads can run at once?
In context of Operating System, only one thread can run at a time. Even your application has multiple threads, at a time one of the thread will be executing and rest will be waiting for their turn.
Subsequently, question is, how many is too many threads?
Try it out with 1 thread per CPU core, try it out with 5 threads per CPU core, compare the results, move forward. However, there are some heuristics you can use to get started. Plus, if you're new to this, it's good to have a ballpark idea of what's sane. Is 100 threads too many?
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time. it is called Multi threading.