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Asked by: Wessal Ennenga
hobbies and interests card gamesHow can you tell if a card is shadowless?
Also know, what does shadowless Pokemon card mean?
The original collection, also known asShadowlessPokemon cards have been fetching high value astheir designslightly differs from some of the older cards inthe series.These cards were printed before the redesign thatadded theshadow, which means they are older and morevaluable.
Then, are shadowless Pokemon cards worth more?
Base Set: Limited Edition, 2ndPrinting(Shadowless) More common than the true 1stedition,Shadowless cards are still quite rare compared toUnlimitededition. A Charizard from this printing could have aretailvalue of up to $75 in nearmintcondition.
a dark figure or image cast on the ground or somesurfaceby a body intercepting light. shade or comparativedarkness, as inan area. shadows, darkness, especially that comingaftersunset.