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Asked by: Lashaun Marmorista
video gaming music and party video gamesHow can you tell if Apple Earpods are original?
- Step 1: Check the Package.
- Step 2: Check the sound when pressingthebuttons.
- Step 3: Check the bass holes in theEarPod(Clearest Way)
- Step 4: Check the luminousness of theEarPod.
In this regard, how do I know if my AirPods is original?
Find the serial number of your AirPods
- The serial number* is on the underside of the lid:
- If your AirPods are connected to your iOS device, you canalsogo to Settings > General > About > AirPods for theserialnumber:
- If you don't have your charging case, but you have theoriginalpackaging, you can find the serial number next to thebarcode.
- On the surface of your product.
- In iTunes, if your product syncs with iTunes.
- On a Mac, by choosing About This Mac from the Apple menu.
- On an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod, or Apple Watch,inSettings > General > About.
Thereof, how can I check if my iPhone is original?
Open Setting app on your iPhone. Tappingon"General", click "About" and then scroll down. You will findtheserial number and the IMEI soon. Now you can checktheserial number by visiting apple website if you getthemessage that sorry it is not valid, then it meansyouriPhone is not original.
To track your AirPods, you can dosovia either or the “Find iPhone” app oniPadand iPhone. To use the feature, open the Find iPhone app andlookfor “AirPods” in your list of devices.Fromthere, you can see where your AirPods are locatedona map and in relation to your other Apple products.