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Asked by: Heribert Steidele
food and drink desserts and bakingHow can you tell if shredded coconut is bad?
Accordingly, can shredded coconut go bad?
Storage and Shelf Life Stored at room temperature -- about 70 degreesFahrenheit -- a package of shredded coconut can last betweenfour and six months. Shredded coconut dries out the older itgets, and when it has finally gone bad, it will bebrittle with a yellow tinge to its color.
Also, how long does shredded coconut last in the refrigerator?
Place the container in the refrigerator for up toa week. For longer life, store the container in yourfreezer, where the coconut will keep for sixmonths.
A single coconut should yield three to four cupsgrated or flaked. To Store: To keep thecoconut meat readily available, simply cover it tightly andrefrigerate for up to four days. To Freeze: Pack the gratedcoconut meat into a container and cover with coconutjuice. Cover tightly and freeze for up to six months.