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Asked by: Charline Aparecida
style and fashion high fashionHow can you tell if vintage clothing is real?
Keeping this in consideration, how do you know if something is vintage?
An item should be at least 100 years old to be definedasan antique. Generally speaking if the item is no olderthanan antique but not less than 20 years, it falls under thetermvintage. I have heard the term 'true vintage'asbeing at least 50 years old.
Sourcing Vintage Clothing
- Thrift stores.
- Auctions.
- Estate sales.
- Wholesalers.
- Craigslist.
- Consignment shops.
- Flea markets.
Beside above, what is considered vintage clothing?
Vintage Clothing. Vintage is usedtodescribe items which were made in the 1920s or later (but notlaterthan 20 years before the present year). It refers to the ageof theitem, rather than the style of it.
In the mid-to-late 80s, clothing wasmadein Korea, Hong Kong or the Philippines. Atelltale sign massmanufactured clothing is notvintage (unless youinclude the 90s) is if it was madein China, India,Thailand, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia,Guatemala, Mexico, SriLanka.