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Asked by: Maximilian Garrucho
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow can you tell if your shower has mold?
Also asked, how do you tell if you have mold in your shower?
There's an easy way to spot mold. Molds like to hang out in wet spaces likeshowers, bathmats, around leaky faucets, in basements orunder carpets and walls that are wet because of rain, dripping airconditioners or general dampness. You might also smella musty odor, which can lead you to thesource of the mold.
In this way, is shower mold normal?
Mold damage behind the showersurround Surface mold growth is annoying, but rarely morethan an aesthetic nuisance. However, if enough moisture haspenetrated the wall cavity behind the shower surround,structural damage can occur. Three causes arepossible.
Mold genera/species growing on papersurfaces such as on the back side of vinyl wallpaper or on drywall,painted or bare, are more likely to be harmful, possibly airbornespecies such as Aspergillus or Penicillium as well as the lesseasily airborne black bath mold Stachybotryschartarum.