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Asked by: Kaleem Gorostizu
food and drink world cuisinesHow can you tell the difference between a cucumber and a zucchini plant?
Just so, how do I identify a cucumber plant?
Cucumbers. The oval seed leaves of emerging cucumber and squash plants look very much alike, but the cucumber's true leaves will be triangular and lobed with a fuzzy surface and serrated (toothy) edges. As the cucumber vine develops, its delicate-looking but tenacious tendrils will grip and climb anything in their path
Also know, how do I identify a zucchini plant?
Zucchini Plant Identification They range in color from dark green to golden yellow. The skin is ridged, dry and rough and may be of solid or striped presentation. While zucchini grows as a large-leaved bushy plant, and the stems may appear vine-like and slightly hairy at times.
Cantaloupe leaves are rough and lobed, similar to cucumber, but not as angular. Cucumber leaves are lobed, triangular, with bristly leaves. If you do an internet search for cantaloupe seedlings and cucumber seedlings images you will definitely see the differences.