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Asked by: Jessika Gansmeier
pets veterinary medicineHow can you tell the difference between a male and female gorilla?
Besides, what is a male and female gorilla called?
A group of Gorillas is called a“troop”. A troop usually comprises of one silverback,several adult female Gorillas and their offspring youngGorillas.
Also asked, do all male gorillas become Silverbacks?
Only male gorillas become a silverback.During this time, they may leave their troops and live alone orjoin a group of other males of similar age. Male gorillasbecome silverbacks around the age of 13, when the hair acrosstheir shoulders and down their back becomes grayish or whitein color.
Adult males are known as 'silverbacks' due to thedistinctive silver-colored hair on their backs. Gorillas'appearances can vary based on sub-species, but for the most part,the western subspecies tend to be brownish gray in color, while theeastern and mountain gorillas tend to have a more blackishcoat.