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Herein, can rats survive in the cold?
Generally, rats and other rodents donothibernate during the winter months. They are active throughouttheyear, but there is a lull in their normal activities, andbreedingusually slows down during the winter months. In ordertosurvive the harsh conditions, rats need warmthandfairly constant food supply.
Also to know, do rats feel the cold?
Too cold. If your rats arecold,they will be reluctant to come out of their bedroom ormove aroundmuch, as well as being uncomfortable, and so it isimportant toensure that their enclosure can be kept warmenough in thewinter.
Pneumonia and chronic respiratory disease are themostcommon cause of illness and death in pet rats.Respiratorydisease can also lie dormant and break out when therat isunder some stress like after anaesthesia, bullyingfrom a cage mateor a new owner.