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Asked by: Alami Rukmini
business and finance real estate industryHow could a peasant become a freeman?
Similarly, you may ask, what is a Freeman peasant?
The peasant class included Freemen, whohadsome rights and land, serfs, who had no rights, and slaves, whowerebought and sold. Freemen. Freeman were poorfarmerswho had control of small portions of land. Freemanusuallymade just enough money to live on. They sold their cropsand mayhave worked with a trade.
Correspondingly, how could a serf become a freeman?
Serfs could only leave the land with theirlord'spermission, but freemen (as the name suggests) were freetocome and go as they pleased. A serf could becomeafreeman if he escaped for a year and a day withoutbeingcaught.
The one thing the peasant had to doinMedieval England was to pay outmoneyin taxes or rent. He had to pay rent for hisland to hislord; he had to pay a tax to the church called atithe. Apeasant could pay in cash or in kind –seeds,equipment etc. Either way, tithes were a deeplyunpopulartax.