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Asked by: Alexandre Erkizia
home and garden home entertainingHow deep do I plant strawberry plants?
In this regard, how deep do strawberry plants need to be planted?
Strawberries only need about 4-6 inches of soil for their roots so shallow containers will work. Whatever size or shape container you use, make sure they have adequate drainage holes in the bottom. Water your strawberry plants whenever the soil is dry to ½ inch depth.
Beside above, what month is best to plant strawberries?
Best Time to Plant Strawberries The ideal time to plant strawberries is after the threat of frost is past in early spring, usually March or April.
When pruning your strawberry plants, only remove brown or diseased leaves before February to preserve the healthy leaves needed to produce strawberries. If your plants are summer bearing, mow the leaves above the crowns about 1 week after your last harvest. Trim any runners to prevent nutrients going to clone plants.