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Asked by: Hassnaa Forberger
home and garden landscapingHow deep does soil need to be to grow plants?
Correspondingly, does the depth of soil affect plant growth?
Soil depth can greatly influence the types of plants that can grow in them. Deeper soils generally can provide more water and nutrients to plants than more shallow soils. Furthermore, most plants rely on soil for mechanical support and this is especially true for tall woody plants (e.g., shrubs, trees).
Similarly one may ask, what plants can grow in shallow soil?
- Grasses and ground covers. Try turf and spreading plants such as native violets (Viola hederacea), Johnny Jump Up violets, and Zoysia grass.
- Rhizomal plants. Rhizomal plants that cope well with shallow soil include Clivias (for shaded areas), Agapanthas, Lomandras, Dianellas, and Poa.
- Vines.
- Succulents.
The depth of a soil is measured by how far below the surface plant roots can extend before being stopped by barriers, such as rock, sand, gravel, heavy clay, compacted dirt, or cement. Below the topsoil (usually only a few inches deep) lies another layer called subsoil.