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Asked by: Barabara Nixdorf
religion and spirituality judaismHow did civilizations develop in Mesopotamia?
Keeping this in view, how did the Mesopotamian civilization start?
We believe Sumerian civilization first tookformin southern Mesopotamia around 4000 BCE—or 6000yearsago—which would make it the first urbancivilizationin the region. The incredibly importantinvention of the wheel isalso credited to the Sumerians; theearliest discovered wheel datesto 3500 BCE inMesopotamia.
Moreover, how did civilization develop?
The earliest civilizations developed between4000and 3000 BCE, when the rise of agriculture and trade allowedpeopleto have surplus food and economic stability.Civilizationsfirst appeared in Mesopotamia (what is nowIraq) and later inEgypt.
Mesopotamia (from the Greek, meaning 'betweentworivers') was an ancient region located in the easternMediterraneanbounded in the northeast by the Zagros Mountains andin thesoutheast by the Arabian Plateau, corresponding totoday'sIraq, mostly, but also parts of modern-day Iran,Syria andTurkey.