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Asked by: Amancio Schleusser
hobbies and interests freelance writingHow did Henry Ford treat his workers?
Also know, did Henry Ford treat his workers well?
Henry Ford treated his workers with care, having implemented a $5 daily wage for the workers in 1914. The amount was almost twice the rate other car factories paid their workers. Ford believed that increasing the pay would make the workers happier and encourage them to work faster.
Similarly, it is asked, how did Ford spend his money?
Henry Ford spent his massive wealth in a number of ways. He collected what he termed "relics of pre-industrial America" and showcased them in his museum, The Edison Institute, located in Dearborn, Mich. He also used some of his money to invest in the then quickly growing aviation industry.
Higher wages were necessary, Ford realized, to retain workers who could handle the pressure and the monotony of his assembly line. In January of 1914, his continuous-motion system reduced the time to build a car from 12 and a half hours to 93 minutes.