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Moreover, how do I get rid of a wart on my hand?
For best results, soak your wart in warm waterfor10 to 15 minutes first, to soften it. Then, file away the deadskinon top using a nail file or pumice stone. Make sure to stopfilingif you feel any discomfort. Next, apply the salicylic acidaccordingto your doctor's directions, or the directions onthepackage.
Regarding this, what does a wart look like when it starts?
Common Warts They're small -- from the size of a pinhead to a pea--and feel like rough, hard bumps. They may have blackdotsthat look like seeds, which are really tiny bloodclots.Typically they show up where the skin was broken, perhapsfrombiting your fingernails.
Filiform warts are often found aroundthemouth, nose, or eyes. If they occur in an eye crease orother typeof skin fold they can cause itching ordiscomfort.See a doctor Filiform warts on the face can't betreated athome and require a doctor's care.