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Asked by: Desiderio Richarte
news and politics war and conflictsHow did imperialism contribute towards Germany's increasing anger with Britain and France?
Regarding this, why is Germany annoyed by imperialism?
Answer and Explanation: Germany wasannoyedby the imperialism of Europe largely becausethey only cametogether as their own nation in 1871 and, when theylooked tothe
In this way, how did imperialism impact WWI?
The war started mainly because of fouraspects:Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.This isbecause big armies become potential threats to othercountries,other countries started forcing alliances in order tosecure land.The overall cause of World War was theassassination ofArchduke Franz Ferdinand.
The Dual Alliance of 1879 - GermanyandAustria-Hungary made an alliance to protect themselvesfromRussia. The Austro-Serbian Alliance of1881 -Austria-Hungary made an alliance withSerbia toprevent Russian aggression inSerbia.