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Asked by: Yongliang Friedson
news and politics war and conflictsHow did Jefferson feel about debt?
Similarly one may ask, did Jefferson pay off national debt?
Jefferson's Chance to Pay Down Debt Public debt soared from $45.2 million on January 1, 1812, to $119.2 million in 1815.
how did Jefferson feel about the military?
He felt that the military overall should be reduced in size and that it needed to recruit and train its own engineers who would be stationed at a military academy. As President, however, Jefferson abandoned the constitutional reservations he had held against federal control of a national military academy.
Jefferson's most fundamental political belief was an "absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority." Stemming from his deep optimism in human reason, Jefferson believed that the will of the people, expressed through elections, provided the most appropriate guidance for directing the republic's course.