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Asked by: Argenis Warneck
business and finance job marketHow did Karl Marx understand the industrial revolution?
Similarly one may ask, how did Karl Marx impact the industrial revolution?
Karl Max understood the Industrial Revolution as creating an unstable system that would collapse in a revolution. His ideas had an impact in the industrializing world of the nineteenth century because they inspired socialist movements and took root in unions, and shaped his idea of communism.
Similarly one may ask, how did the Industrial Revolution transform the British society?
The British Aristocracy declined, urban wealth became more important. Benefited most conspicuously from the industrialization. Ideas of thrift and hard work, the rigid morality, and cleanliness characterized middle-class culture.
What was common to the process of industrialization elsewhere, and in what ways did it vary from place to place? In the process of industrialization everywhere, new technologies and sources of energy generated vast increases in production, and unprecedented urbanization took place.