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Asked by: Zhelyazko Lyubenov
hobbies and interests comic booksHow did McMurphy Die in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
In this regard, how does bromden kill McMurphy?
Lobotomy Scars. When Chief Bromden sees McMurphy's lobotomy scars at the end of this movie, he realizes that the hospital has made McMurphy into an obedient zombie for life. That's why Chief decides to kill McMurphy. In his mind, this is the only way to give Mac back his freedom.
Keeping this in view, does McMurphy get a lobotomy?
McMurphy is given a lobotomy for his attack on Nurse Ratched. When he is returned to the ward after the operation, he is a vegetable.
Cheswick, a man of much talk and little action, drowns in the pool—possibly a suicide—after McMurphy does not support Cheswick when Cheswick takes a stand against Nurse Ratched. Cheswick's death is significant in that it awakens McMurphy to the extent of his influence and the mistake of his decision to conform.